I can’t recall if anyone who went to Linux Conf Australia 2007 told me this; I would be suprised though, I’d expect something like this to stick in my mind:
Linux Conf Australia 2008 is to return (finally!) to Melbourne!
This calls for something special. Maybe I will do a paper this year… 🙂
If I haven’t told you, I’m not doing very well!
I’m on the lca2008 committee…
News at 11: Thorne Lawler out-of-it, has no idea what is going on around him.
In other news, sociologists believe that Dilbert cartoons may contain traces of bitterness, cynicism and sarcasm.
Well, it could just be me… I guess I should stay away from “publicity”, in any case 🙂
*boggles at Thorne’s News at 11*
Hmph, I had sarcasm-tags wrapping that last comment but it looks like they got parsed to oblivion.
Just take my word for it. Imagine a really little set of XML-like elements lurking there.
It’s “helpful” parsing like this that’ll lead to robots running amok and killing citizens in the streets, all the while, lumbering-along with the thought that it was an awfully odd edict, that “Do kill humans” thing; and that any sensible robo-programmer would have put “not” after the first word to negate it, and wrapped that important word in a shiny tag for extra emphasis…