5 thoughts on “LCA08 to be in Melbourne!

  1. News at 11: Thorne Lawler out-of-it, has no idea what is going on around him.
    In other news, sociologists believe that Dilbert cartoons may contain traces of bitterness, cynicism and sarcasm.

  2. Hmph, I had sarcasm-tags wrapping that last comment but it looks like they got parsed to oblivion.
    Just take my word for it. Imagine a really little set of XML-like elements lurking there.
    It’s “helpful” parsing like this that’ll lead to robots running amok and killing citizens in the streets, all the while, lumbering-along with the thought that it was an awfully odd edict, that “Do kill humans” thing; and that any sensible robo-programmer would have put “not” after the first word to negate it, and wrapped that important word in a shiny tag for extra emphasis…

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